Lucky me! I attended Quilt Market this year in the lovely city of Minneapolis! Amazing!! I've been quilting for a while and it's so good to see the fresh, fun and colorful direction that quilt design is traveling.
I know there are lots of blogs with lots of pictures from Market, but for the next few days I'll share mine.
Always colorful - Taylor Made Designs. This slice of cake pin cushion is now available in a pattern. It had been previously printed in a magazine. I was lucky enough to have some friends make one for me - it's just adorable and makes me smile!
Awesome bags everywhere...
I loved this applique - fresh, bright and cheerful...
Pillow and Maxfield's new line for Michael Miller called "Pretty Bird". I loved the colors, and the large graphic prints...
Patty Young's new collection, perfect for a little girl...
Sandi Henderson's new book "Sewing Bits and Pieces" is filled with great projects that use leftover bits of fabric. I picked up a signed copy for my daughter...
What a great city! The weather was perfect and all the locals had to comment on it. I guess you really appreciate good weather when your winters are long and cold. I snapped a picture of this parking garage - the local people were so friendly I'm thinking they painted it just for us!
More to come!
Thanks for the pictures, wow! Love the cake pincushion, I'd set that out in my kitchen just because it's so pretty. The bags, the fabric lines, it's a good thing they allow photos there otherwise how would you take it all in and remember it. Looking forward to seeing more.